Why Choose Us
Why Competitive Price

Jera Line follows the anticorruption and antibribery policy. 

Jera Line does not tolerate to any form of business transaction or agreements considered as bribery, corruption, or fraud, in its daily operations.
All the related to the company subjects: employees, customers, suppliers, partners, legal representatives are guided to have anticorruption and antibribery behaviors in related business transaction.
Bribery behavior can be described as the giving or receiving by a person, something of usually: gifts, favors, rewards, loans, commissions value money, or entertainment, hospitality or travel expenses that are inappropriate in accommodation expenses, and excessive costs.
Jera Line is committed to complying with local and international laws and adopting national and international standards, which govern the ethical and legal transparency of business.
We strive to produce the competitive cable products in the market and there is no space in product’s value for such activities. Legal business relationships are welcomed.